Old Home Wiring Removal and Replacement
Your home’s electrical system is the backbone of modern living, yet many older homes still rely on outdated wiring. Deao Electric is your trusted partner for removing and replacing Knob and Tube as well as other old wiring techniques, ensuring your electrical system is brought up to modern safety and reliability standards.

Knob and Tube Wiring
Knob and tube wiring, an early standardized electrical system, lingers in historic homes built between 1880 and 1950. While not mandated for removal by building codes, upgrading it offers essential benefits:
Aging Infrastructure: Knob and tube wiring, at least 70 years old, is susceptible to copper wire oxidation and deteriorating insulation.
Insulation Challenges: Modern insulation in older homes can pose fire hazards when combined with knob and tube wiring.
Inadequate for Modern Demands: Today’s appliances require higher amperage loads than knob and tube wiring can safely handle, posing overheating and fire risks.
Unsafe Modifications: Amateur splicing can increase the risk of overloading and heat damage.
Is Your Home Affected?
Determine if your home has knob and tube wiring by considering its age. If it was constructed before the 1950s, this outdated wiring may be present. Inspect your basement for white ceramic knobs attached to joists with electrical wires routed through them. If you don’t have a basement, check the attic for these telltale signs between floor joists.